
The power of a praying ... well, anyone

"I have heard your prayer which you have prayed to Me. I have set apart this house you have built by putting My name there forever. My eyes and My heart will be there always. "
(1 Kings 9:3)

The Kanawha Valley Emmaus Community is holding its spring women's walk this weekend. If you're counting, its the 58th Walk to Emmaus the community has hosted since its inception in the early 1990s.

That's an interesting number, 58. Subtract two from that, and you get 56 (and, yes, that's about the extent of my mathematical prowess -- I had to count on my fingers just to do that meager computation). There are, as of 9:30 a.m., 56 slots still empty on the weekend's prayer vigil.

If you stumbled across the blog and you're unfamiliar with with the Walk to Emmaus and other Fourth Day movements, I'll explain in a moment. If you're a part of the KVEC or another community, you'll undoubtedly understand how dire this situation is.

The Walk to Emmaus, to use the "official" definition, is "a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The program's approach seriously considers the model of Christ's servanthood and encourages Christ's disciples to act in ways appropriate to being 'servant of all.'" (Click here for the national website, or here for the Kanawha Valley Emmaus Community site).

Specifically, the walk is a three-day "retreat" (for lack of a better word), during which Christians around the world are in prayer for those attending the weekend. This is accomplished through 30-minute time blocks, what we call a prayer vigil. Trust me, when Christian men and women are on their knees in prayer every second of every minute of every hour of every day for three days, powerful things happen.

Problem is, there are significant gaps in this weekend's prayer vigil. It's a shame, really. There are worse things Christians can do than spend a full 30 minutes talking to God on the behalf of those seeking to know Him in greater and more meaningful ways.

So, if you reading this you are likely in one of two categories. You are either A) a member of our local Emmaus community or one elsewhere; or B) a Christian who has stumbled onto this site and hasn't been bored enough to quit reading yet. Either way, YOU ARE NEEDED.

Look, if you are a member of the KVEC and haven't yet signed up for a slot ... come on. People prayed for you on your weekend, right? Step up to the plate. Don't let them down.

If you happened upon this site by chance (think God may have led you here for this purpose?), please help us out and sign up for a slot on the prayer vigil. You can do it online by clicking here.

That scripture above? That's God talking to Solomon after he'd built the Temple. God heaped copious blessings on Solomon for building it, and made him the promise that it would be set apart and that the presence of God would always be there.

That's kind of like the Emmaus community. Through prayer, it's been set apart, consecrated by God to bring Christians into a closer fellowship with Him and to better fulfill His purpose for our lives. A small part of that is this prayer vigil, so let's help Him by getting it filled up, OK? Go ahead and click here, right now, while you are thinking about it.

Thank you, and God bless ...

Want to know Christ? Click the link on your right, read Romans 10:9,10 in the Bible or send me an e-mail.