
Images of the cross

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
(1 Corinthians 1:18)

Every notice that, everywhere you look, there are crosses. Sections of pavement, when they come together, form a cross. Molding on a door. Clothespins glued together. Fences.

I see them all the time. All the time. And, recently, I've begun pulling out the ol' Canon digital and snapping away. I've decided to start posting them here.

Every time I see one, it's yet another reminder of Christ's sacrifice for my sins. He died for you, too.

Try this: today, look around and pay attention. You'll see a lot of crosses out there, if you'll just look.

(By the way, KLOVE Christian radio is having its spring pledge drive. Please, prayerfully consider making a donation. They sell no ads and are 100 percent listener supported. Please? There's a link on your right, or just click here. Thank you.)

Want to know Jesus? He wants to know you. Click on the link to your right called "How to be a Christian," or e-mail me.