
How Would Jesus Vote? The Iraq War debate...

"Just war" proponents will point to the Hebrew translation of "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and point out that "kill" is better translated as "murder." (The difference is highlighted between the King James Version translation and that of the English Standard Version). Fair enough. It adds to the debate, which is OK by me.

But there's still something to be said about rejecting war on moral grounds. So, how does the war in Iraq stand up to moral scrutiny? Would Christ, who so famously implored His followers to love their enemies and turn the other cheek, have supported the war? Would He support it now?

John McCain supports the Iraq war. How does that stance stack up against the debate on abortion rights, which Barack Obama wholeheartedly supports?

How much emphasis do you put on the war in Iraq as a moral issue in this year's campaign? Share your thoughts, and join the conversation.

I welcome all comments. Feel free to comment on-page, or e-mail feedback to CandidChristian@gmail.com.