
Thoughts on a Friday

Fridays always feel so wonderful. I'm always full of optimism at the end of a work week, even if I still have work to do, which I undoubtedly do. But, still.

And, now, with the start of Lent, I'm certainly looking forward to celebrating the first Day of Grace and having a nice, steaming hot cup of coffee. Ummm, Starbucks.

SPEAKING OF LENT, anyone care to share their thoughts on what you are or are not surrendering? You'll have to leave a comment, because I had to get rid of the TagBoard, which kept getting spammed. Personally, I made the terrible, terrible mistake of giving up caffeine, which turns me each morning into a cross between The Incredible Hulk--seriously, I look like this every morning--and Bob Knight at a press conference.

JAMES HARLEMAN, the pastor of Mars Hill's Wedgwood Campus and the church's resident uber-geek, has some really great posts about some really great topics at his really great Cinemagogue blog. They are: "Captain America Gives Birth to a Darker Disciple," and "Bourne Again...and Again...and Again." They are both highly recommended reads although, really, you should just take the time and subscribe to his RSS feed and save yourself the trouble. Because once you read him once, you'll read him again.

HAPPY TRAILS to Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. He stepped aside earlier this week, paving the way for John McCain to get a headstart in campaigning against either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Stay tuned around here, because we'll be posting some more election coverage as we get closer. You know, because there's not enough campaign coverage as it is. You're welcome.

SPEAKING OF THE campaign, one of the better pieces I've read in a long time is this one, from New York Times' columnist Nicholas D. Kristof. I've got some thoughts on it myself, but they're kinda long (surprise, surprise), so I'll save them for another day.

AND, FINALLY, I've got some really cool news about the site. As soon as I get things ironed out, I'll post all the details. A hint? The site is about to get bigger and, hopefully, more relevant.

Have a good weekend. Grace and peace.