
Doomsday Vault

Would you participate in a place where humans could gather in the event of a global catastrophe? I don't think I would.

Now, that's not what the Doomsday Vault is all about, really, but it might be a first step toward such a place. Makes you wonder if the world's governments already have something of a Doomsday Vault for humans, not seeds.

Hmmm, let's see. Spend an indefinite time inside some underground labyrinth where who knows what kind of anarchy might rule, which of your loved ones would be there or just accept my fate and get a head start on eternity? I'd take the latter.

Suicide, you say? Nah...it's just realism. I think Jesus would understand.

Read about the Doomsday Vault here, then post your thoughts either here on on our Facebook group Candid Christian Ministries.